Configuration guide for stevo_vendors
return {
logWebhook = "", -- Set to false for no discord logs.
vendors = {
['rifle_vendor'] = {
name = 'Rifle Vendor',
PED_LOCATION = vector4(1409.9078, 3620.0334, 33.8943, 294.6835),
PED_MODEL = 's_m_m_ammucountry',
TEXT_LABEL = '[~r~E~w~] Open ~r~Rifle~w~ Vendor',
TARGET_LABEL = 'Open Vendor',
viewDistance = 5,
groups = {'police', 'ballas'}, -- Supports job names on ESX & QB / Supports gang names on QB
items = {
icon = 'fas fa-gun',
can_buy_multiple = false, -- If the player can buy more than 1 at once.
requiredItems = {["money"] = 1},
collectDelay = false, -- Time (in minutes) players have to wait to collect item. (Set to false for no wait time)
stock = 10,
amount = 1,
item = 'weapon_assaultrifle',
icon = 'fas fa-gun',
can_buy_multiple = false, -- If the player can buy more than 1 at once.
requiredItems= {["money"] = 5, ["donut"] = 1},
collectDelay = 5, -- Time (in minutes) players have to wait to collect item. (Set to false for no wait time)
stock = 1,
amount = 1,
item = 'ammo-rifle',
icon = 'fas fa-gun',
can_buy_multiple = true, -- If the player can buy more than 1 at once.
requiredItems = {["money"] = 1},
collectDelay = false, -- Time (in minutes) players have to wait to collect item. (Set to false for no wait time)
stock = 20,
amount = 1,
['pistol_vendor'] = {
name = 'Pistol Vendor',
PED_LOCATION = vector4(1419.3724, 3607.8008, 33.9568, 294.6835),
PED_MODEL = 's_m_m_ammucountry',
TEXT_LABEL = '[~r~E~w~] Open ~r~Pistol~w~ Vendor',
TARGET_LABEL = 'Open Vendor',
viewDistance = 5,
groups = {'police'},
items = {
item = 'weapon_pistol',
icon = 'fas fa-gun',
requiredItems= {["money"] = 1},
collectDelay = 5, -- Time (in minutes) players have to wait to collect item. (Set to false for no wait time)
stock = 1,
amount = 1,
item = 'weapon_heavypistol',
icon = 'fas fa-gun',
requiredItems= {["money"] = 1, ["donut"] = 1},
collectDelay = 2, -- Time (in minutes) players have to wait to collect item. (Set to false for no wait time)
stock = 1,
amount = 1,
return {
NotifyType = 'ox_lib', -- Support for 'ox_lib', 'qb', 'esx', 'okok' and 'custom' to use a different type.
interaction = {
type = 'text', -- Supports 'target' and 'text'
targeticon = 'fas fa-store', --
targetradius = 3.0,
menus = {
menuViewVendorText = 'View Vendor',
menuViewVendorIcon = 'fas fa-shop',
menuCollectItemsText = 'Collect Items',
menuCollectItemsIcon = 'fa-solid fa-box-open',
menuCollectItemsEmptyText = 'Nothing to collect',
menuCollectItemsEmptyIcon = 'fas fa-x',
locales = {
deny_access_notify = 'You cannot access this vendor!', -- Notification when player accesses vendor they do not have group to open!
no_required_items = 'You do not have the required items!', -- Notification when player tries to buy item without required items.
cannot_buy_multi = 'You can only buy one of these at once!'
Last updated