Installation guide for stevo_advancedvineyard
['whitegrape'] = {
label = 'White Grape',
weight = 10,
stack = true,
['redgrape'] = {
label = 'Red Grape',
weight = 10,
stack = true,
['redwinebottle'] = {
label = 'Red Whine',
weight = 10,
stack = true,
['whitewinebottle'] = {
label = 'White Wine',
weight = 10,
stack = true,
['emptywinebottle'] = {
label = 'Empty Wine Bottle',
weight = 10,
stack = true,
['whitegrape'] = {
['name'] = 'whitegrape',
['label'] = 'White Grape',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'whitegrape.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = "A fresh white grape ready for winemaking.",
['redgrape'] = {
['name'] = 'redgrape',
['label'] = 'Red Grape',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'redgrape.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = "A fresh red grape perfect for making wine.",
['redwinebottle'] = {
['name'] = 'redwinebottle',
['label'] = 'Red Wine',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'redwinebottle.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = "A bottle of rich red wine.",
['whitewinebottle'] = {
['name'] = 'whitewinebottle',
['label'] = 'White Wine',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'whitewinebottle.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = "A bottle of crisp white wine.",
['emptywinebottle'] = {
['name'] = 'emptywinebottle',
['label'] = 'Empty Wine Bottle',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'emptywinebottle.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = "An empty bottle ready for a fresh batch of wine.",
Last updated